Contact Us

Here at High Plains Hunting & Lodge, we welcome all of your questions, comments, and suggestions! Please feel free to contact any of the numbers listed below for information on booking, directions, or any other inquiries.

Orville Speck - owner
(940) 742-3647 - home
(940) 207-1828 - cell

Wes Holmes - guide for all types of hunts
(940) 256-1739

Carl Thilenius - guide for goose/duck hunts
(573) 517-1973

Corky Speck - guide for hog hunting
(940) 256-0179

Nell Speck - lodge manager/accounts manager
(940) 742-3647 - home
(940) 207-1829 - cell

High Plains Hunting & Lodge
601 Lincoln Street
Rochester, TX 79544